At Glance
Founded: Established in 1909.
Faculty: 18 Full Professors, 17 Doctors of Sciences, 65 Candidates of Sciences, 7 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, and 9 doctors with federal awards.
Students: The General Medicine program is 6 years long and is taught at 48 departments according to the educational program conforming to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. There are currently 3 000 students, including 50 international students, pursuing a degree in General Medicine.
Faculties, Departments and Institutes:
Faculty of General Medicine
Faculty of Pediatrics
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Medical and Preventative Care
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Clinical Psychology
Nursing Institute
Faculty of Vocational Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists
Department of Russian as a Foreign Language
Hospitals: The Hospital’s medical staff includes more than 1 700 employees. There are 1 050 licensed beds, 440 of them pediatric. The Hospital operates departments, centers, and units of diagnostic radiology and therapeutic radiology, interventional radiology, ultrasound and functional diagnostics, endoscopy, MRI and CT diagnostics, rehabilitation and non-drug therapy, hemodialysis, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy; as well as nuclear medicine, clinical diagnostic, PCR, bacteriological, and cytological laboratories.
MESS: Indian mess available on campus.
Rector’s Message
A time comes in your life when you have to make responsible choice — to determine your future profession…
Medicine is not simply choice, in this profession it is a calling by nature, bound in the heart. Path on which if you chose, might be difficult and harsh, but certainly very interesting! Studying at the Medical University is much harder than in other universities; a future doctor simply cannot afford not understand and not to know anything.
High status of the doctor’s profession requires responsibility and dedication. Their everyday work of a doctor demonstrates what a true dedication, selflessness, kindness is. If you have a deep believe of the need to serve the people, this profession is for you.
Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky is an innovative institution that has a glorious history and continues to develop dynamically. For more than a hundred years highly qualified specialist who are professionals in their in specialty have graduated from our university and are successfully working for the benefit of medical science and health care. In our university you will receive not only the fundamental of theoretical knowledge, but also you will develop an invaluable skill that will ensure your continued progress in your chosen profession.
The doors of SSMU n.a. V. I. Razumovsky are always open for those who see their calling is to study one of the most noble profession — saving human health and life!
Dr. M. Korda, Rector

Rector’s Message
Kharkiv National Medical University is one of the oldest medical schools in Ukraine integrated into scientific, medical and research history of the country. Founded in 1805, it is presently a member of the International Association of Universities and other various respectful medical establishments worldwide. KNMU has acquired invaluable experience in training doctors, which has led to incredibly high quality of medical education. KNMU degree is recognized worldwide and the present number of 10 000 international students studying medicine in 2017-2018 academic session is likely to increase dramatically in the next coming years.
Teaching staff, students and other members of the University enjoy a cheerful day-to-day interaction inside the University, in hospitals and research centres, at scientific conferences. Our mission statement articulates acknowledgement in which study Medicine makes an indispensable contribution to international medical education.
On this note, may we warmly invite you, after your virtual tour, to visit us here in beautiful Kharkiv?
We look forward to seeing you!
Best wishes,
Vladimir Lesovoy, Rector of Kharkiv National Medical University
Dr. M. Korda, Rector