At Glance
- Founded: Established in 1921.
- Faculty: Academic staff made up of first-class specialists with new perspectives and expertise will be keen to share their knowledge and insights and to explore their subject with you. It includes more than 880 educators, of whom more than 64% have a scientific degree including 3 Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Science, 12 laureates of the State Awards, 16 honored scientists, physicians and other health care professionals of the Republic of Belarus. More than 350 employees of the clinical departments have a higher medical category. Our emphasis is on a research-informed curriculum and we use a variety of methods to support student-centered learning.
- Students: At present over 2600 students study here. Currently, over 400 specialists graduate annually from the Faculty compared with 21 doctors who were the first to receive the diploma of the University.
- Faculties, Departments and Institutes: Faculty of General Medicine is the oldest and the most numerous faculties at the university which provides training of specialists engaged in medical activity in the field of strengthening and preserving health, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and disease prophylaxis in adult population. The Faculty encompasses 20 Departments of the University. At present 258 members of the teaching staff work at the Faculty. Out of the general number of the staff 171 people have a scientific degree (74%), including 32 – Dr Sci. 28 members have an academic title of professor of Medicine, 84– PhD in Medicine.
- Hostels: Currently the university houses more than 1000 local students and around 400 international students in its 4 hostels.
- MESS: Indian mess available on campus.
Rector’s Message
Over the years of its existence Belarusian State Medical University has trained about 45 thousand doctors who work in many countries of the world. Over 6500 Belarusian and foreign students currently study at 8 faculties of the University, including clinical residents, PhD students and those studying at the faculty of Pre-University training.
The academic staff of the University comprises 888 highly qualified professors and lecturers. Alongside teaching they pursue extensive research and carry out medical work at different medical institutions of Minsk and the Republic of Belarus. Medical University is a special educational institution. Those who strive to become doctors have to develop and refine such qualities as love to people, kindness, unselfishness, compassion, tolerance, perseverance, commitment, diligence.
Our students have to be equipped with the knowledge meeting the requirements of current practical medicine. The whole teaching and educational process is aimed at achieving this goal.
Modern effective educational technologies are actively applied at the University and the information support of the teaching process is constantly developing and expanding. We have a wide range of general and special educational software, a rich electronic library and open access to the Internet medical sites.
However, what we treasure most is our graduate. The BSMU diploma is not only recognized in many countries of the world, but also is a reliable reference to its holder.
We develop collaboration with the leading universities, educational and research centers of the world. The University is justly called Alma mater. It takes great care of its students, teachers and educates them. But it also appreciates the feedback and assistance of its alumni.
We hope that our graduates will make a tangible contribution to the development of BSMU and Belarusian medical science which will benefit the entire country of Belarus.
All over the world Universities owe their prosperity and potency not so much to the state support as to the assistance of alumni who pay tribute to their Alma mater for their education and excellent career opportunities. Nowadays, everybody understands that the future of BSMU depends on each of us.
We invite everybody who is willing to become a highly qualified doctor to our University.
Our dear graduates! Refer your children and grandchildren as well as your friends’ children to study at BSMU. We look forward to welcoming them here.

Sikorski Anatol
MD, PhD, Associate Professor