At Glance
Founded: Established on November 16, 1784.
Faculty: There are working 1211 scientists: 134 Doctor of Sciences and more than 620 PhD degree holders, including 113 full professors, 369 associate professors, 50 senior tutors, 662 assistant professors, 17 researchers.
Students: The annual university amount of students is more than 19100 persons, which includes 5426 undergraduate students (including more than 1000 foreign students), 62 students of Preparatory Course, more than 1500 internship doctors, 50 students of Master’s program, 70 students of PhD program, 70 Postgraduate doctors (Clinichna Ordynatura), around 11000 students of Faculty of Postgraduate training, 312 students of Medical College.
Library Collection: University library contains more than 530000 volumes of textbooks, manuals and other relevant medical literature. The library has modern computer equipment.
Faculties, Departments and Institutes: At 78 University departments, at the Institute of Clinical Pathology, in the Central Research Laboratory (CRL) and Laboratory of industrial toxicology. Training of specialists in LNMU is provided at 6 Faculties: Medical Faculty #1 and #2, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy (regular and correspondence education), Faculty of Postgraduate training, Faculty of Foreign Students – according to educational-qualification level: specialist, master, and also in University Medical College according to educational-qualification level – junior specialist.
Hospitals: Clinical departments of University have the fund of more than 10000 beds (41 affiliated hospitals), 9 polyclinic departments with 3510 attendances during shift, University dental medical centre for more than 2000 attendances during shift.
Hostels: 4 modern buildings (2 & 3 sharing rooms with fully furnished, cupboard, reading table, central heater, washing machine facility, gym, primary health centre, library, tv rooms, hostel security, cafeteria)
MESS: Indian mess available on campus.
As a Rector of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, I have a pleasure to welcome you to the University, one of the oldest European universities, we are proud to offer our medical, dental, pharmaceutical and postgraduate education programs. The University offers an intimate, collegial environment, which fosters human values and genuine learning. This is in harmony with the traditional idea of living and learning together. New computerized technology, modern individual electronic communications, a newly introduced course of studies in English language, a significant number of high level international academic conferences, participation with other universities in creating sophisticated programs of medical studies on pair with those of Europe-this is a modern image for our University.
Social reforms in our nation have touched not only the practice of medicine but also medical education. We have always endeavoured to change with changing times but as often were the initiators of reforms in higher medical education. This not only aided us in withstanding difficult times but also allowed us to move ahead.
I am sure you will fell at home here, and your decision to choose our Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University is the right one.
Dr. M. Korda, Rector

University is a member of the World Health Organization (WHO) and recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI) India.