At Glance
Founded: History begins in 1758 as the medical faculty at Imperial Moscow University.
Faculty and Students: Over 140 teaching staff members of the University are members of one or several foreign and international scientific and professional societies, organizations, associations. About 2 500 foreign students and post-graduates from 73 countries study at Sechenov University today. Far-abroad countries are mainly represented by students from Malaysia, People’s Republic of China, Syria, India, Vietnam, Israel, Brazil, as well as Germany, USA, the UK, Republic of Maldives, and other countries.
Faculties, Departments and Institutes: The structure of the medical faculty includes 48 departments, many of which take part in the educational process in most areas of training (specialties) implemented by the University.
Hospitals: Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases named after V.A. Rakhmanov has been a leader since she was founded. The clinic was built at the end of the 19th century. It was identified by the professional community as the best clinic in Europe. And today the institution is still one of the best and high-tech equipped.
Event: Annually Sechenov University hosts more than 20 international scientific and educational events: conferences, symposia, seminars, trainings, schools, round tables, and working groups.
MESS: Indian mess available on campus.
Rector’s Message
M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University is the oldest leading medical university in Russia that has become a cradle of most medical schools and scientific societies of our country. For decades it has been unofficially known as “First Med”.University success is based on a blend of glorious traditions and actual innovative approaches multiplied by a great potential of human resources. We are proud to be a unique educational, scientific and medical complex that graduates, certifies and provides lifelong professional education for physicians and other healthcare workers; that contributes significantly to the domestic and global medicine. The University is closely linked to the fundamental and applied research, highly efficient medical treatment, and propaganda of medical and pharmaceutical achievements. Our University is rich with knowledge and experience that is generously transferred to our students, to those whose mission will be to face the challenges of the 21st century in the field of medicine and people aiding, to implement new methods and technologies in healthcare.

Rector, P. V. Glybochko
Fees Structure
11 000 US$- FIRST YEAR