At Glance
Founded: Established in March 11, 1993.
Faculty: At present the ISM has 133 staff members with 14, 3% of them being doctors of medical sciences and 18% – candidates of medical sciences, 15% – senior instructors, and 52, 7% – instructors.
Alumni: Alumni have been successfully passing medical certification exams in their native countries along with countries such as USA, Great Britain etc. Our graduates do their continuous health studies as postgraduate trainees in leading institutions of North America and Europe and practicing medicine all over the world.
Library Collection: The library possesses a unique book stock (above six thousand items) including traditional and new information carrying mediums, among them there are books in the line of medicine: therapy, pediatric, oncology, dermatology, gynecology, histology, microbiology, pharmacology, orthopedic, etc.
Faculties, Departments and Institutes: ISM has 9 administrative and 12 academic departments. Among all the departments functional as the ISM, the major ones are faculty of general medicine, faculty of micro & macro anatomy, faculty of pathology, faculty of surgery, faculty of humanitarian sciences, faculty of obstetrics & gynecology, faculty of internal medicine, therapy and many more.
Recreational Facilities: ISM has facilities for sports and leisure. All available within one of Bishkek most exciting locations which includes sports areas, theatres, libraries and internet rooms. The leadership of school and its faculty conduct cultural and organizational work with students including excursions to museums, sightseeing in Kyrgyzstan, going to theaters and trips to the mountains.
Hostels: ISM provides accommodation in hostels with modern facilities. Hostels have access to internet services and students are protected by special Security agencies.
MESS: Indian mess available on campus.
Rector’s Message
We are inviting you to our university to get one of the most interesting and humane professions, which is the profession of medical doctor.
Our medical school has considerable experience in training of doctors for foreign countries and employs the best specialists of Kyrgyz Republic.
Strong intellectual potential, close cooperation with leading medical institutions, the use of modern technologies, and individual approach to each student, all these ensure high quality of training and future professional achievements of our graduates.
Training in our medical school is conducted in line with up-to-date standards applied in European countries. We are offering our students the training programs best fit for their home country needs or places where they want to practice medicine in future.
We apply training techniques that make it possible for students to develop problem-solving skills, learn how to get information independently and improve abilities to assess new information critically. We are confident that wide access to clinical settings, work with patients, and participation in surgeries will help students develop good clinical skills and human attitude.
We pay particular attention to personal growth of students applying individual approach to each of them and help them solve all their problems as to training or accommodation, privacy and security.
Once you become our school student you will be a part of us as we are personally responsible for each one of you, and when you leave we want you to remember us and stay in touch.

Rector of International School of Medicine
- World Health Organization
- Institute for International Medical Education
- Foundation for advancement of International Medical Education and Research
- Organization for PhD education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System
- An International Association for Medical Education