At Glance
Founded: Established in 1804.
Faculty: About 350 faculty members and 1000 associate professors and assistant professors.
Students: Over 17000 Foreign Students Over 4500 from 55 countries,800 Indian.
Library Collection: About 9,00,000 volumes.
Departments, and Institutes: 19 faculties, 99 departments and the Institute of Nursing.
Hospitals: University Hospital, University Dental Center and 37 affiliated regional and municipal teaching hospitals, 23 practical training centres in rural areas.
Hostels: 9 modern buildings, 2 canteens and library (2 & 3 sharing rooms with fully furnished, cupboard, reading table, central heater, washing machine facility, gym, primary health centre, library, tv rooms, hostel security, cafeteria).
Mess: Indian mess available at the campus.
Rector’s Message
Kharkiv National Medical University is one of the oldest medical schools in Ukraine integrated into scientific, medical and research history of the country. Founded in 1805, it is presently a member of the International Association of Universities and other various respectful medical establishments worldwide. KNMU has acquired invaluable experience in training doctors, which has led to incredibly high quality of medical education. KNMU degree is recognized worldwide and the present number of 10 000 international students studying medicine in 2017-2018 academic session is likely to increase dramatically in the next coming years.
Teaching staff, students and other members of the University enjoy a cheerful day-to-day interaction inside the University, in hospitals and research centres, at scientific conferences. Our mission statement articulates acknowledgement in which study Medicine makes an indispensable contribution to international medical education.
On this note, may we warmly invite you, after your virtual tour, to visit us here in beautiful Kharkiv?
We look forward to seeing you!
Best wishes,
Vladimir Lesovoy, Rector of Kharkiv National Medical University
Dr. M. Korda, Rector