At Glance
Founded: Established in 1992
Faculty: About 200 faculty members (3 academicians of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine, 85 full professors, more than 111 associate professors and assistant professors)
Students: Over 2000 Foreign Students Over 800 from 55 countries.
Library Collection: About 250000 volumes.
Faculties, Departments, and Institutes: Kiev Medical University of UAFM is comprised of five faculties, 32 departments and the Institute of Nursing.
Hospitals; University Hospital, University Dental Center and 15 affiliated regional and municipal teaching hospitals, 4 practical training centres in rural areas
Hostels: 2 & 3 sharing rooms with fully furnished, cupboard, reading table, central heater, washing machine facility, library, tv rooms, hostel security, cafeteria
Mess: Indian mess available at the campus.
Rector’s Message
Our University is one of the few private institutions of medical education in Ukraine. Since 1992, when Kyiv Medical University was founded, we were determined to achieve highest international standards of education and providing to our students only fundamental knowledge of medicine. We have succeeded in achieving this goal, which confirmed by recruiting our graduates by clinics in Ukraine and worldwide. Because many students of KMU are foreign, today we provide teaching at KMU in Ukrainian, Russian and English, that supplies the huge opportunities in international occupational cooperation. Welcome to Ternopil State Medical University! As a new Rector and also an alumnus, I am overwhelmed with honour and excitement to lead this University into spectacular future of collaboration between faculty, students, alumni, and friends not only within Ukraine but also with our colleagues from abroad.
Whether you visit us online or in person, I cordially wish you a warm welcome, as there is no better place to study, to grow, to develop an outstanding personality, and to become a truly devoted and skilful doctor. I invite you to get back in touch and share your ideas and dreams for our future.
Office of the Rector is always open to you.
Pokanevych Alexander V. , President of Kyiv Medical University UAFM
Dr. M. Korda, Rector

Gym Facility
Ternopil State Medical University has opened a new gym, free of cost for all its students in Hostel 1. The students must carry their hostel pass with them in order to enter the gym. The gym has 3 qualified coaches and the timings are:
Monday to Friday- 4 pm to 10 pm
On Weekends- 10 am to 10 pm.