At Glance
Founded: Established in 1934.
Faculty: At present, there are 361 faculty and staff members, of them 239 are teachers, including 58 professors, 46 associate professors, 47 PhD supervisors and 32 master’s supervisors. Among the faculty members, 182 hold a doctor’s degree (76.2%) and 220 hold a master’s degree (92.1%).
Students: Currently it has more than 13,000 students. The university has 19 undergraduate programs and 2 ‘5+3’ integrative model for undergraduate and graduate programs.
Library Collection: Nanjing Medical University Library’s collection is emphasized on preclinical medical, clinical medicine, stomatology, preventive medicine, biology, and pharmacy, taking maths, physics, chemistry, computer, management, social science and literature as supplement. It currently has 910,000 printed resources, 52 databases, 720,000 e-books and 38,000 full text e-journals.
Faculties, Departments and Institutes: The College consists of 16 departments, 2 teaching and research sections, and 1 national model center of laboratory teaching (Basic Medical Sciences). In addition to 2 national key discipline nurturing bases and 5 provincial key disciplines, there are 1 discipline and 10 majors with the authorization to grant doctor’s degree, 15 disciplines and majors to grant master’s degrees, and 1 postdoctoral station in the school. It also has 1 ministerial key laboratory, 1 key laboratory cosponsored by the Ministry of Health, and 9 provincial key laboratories and engineering research centers.
Hospitals: It has twenty-four affiliated hospitals and more than fifty teaching hospitals in Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Shandong Provinces.
Activity: Nanjing Medical University (NMU) holds various kinds of activities, such as: Aerobics Competitions, Scientific and Technological and Cultural Arts Festival, knowledge, operation and skill of emergency treatment competition, Singing Competitions and more.
MESS: Indian mess available on campus.
President Welcome
Nanjing Medical University is an institution of higher learning with a glorious history and excellent traditions. As early as 1941, it became one of the first institutions in China to admit graduate students. It was also one of the first medical colleges in China to offer six-year medical education programs, and one of the first to be authorized to confer doctoral and master’s degrees in China, as well.
Today the university is a modern medical education institution with a complete range of disciplines, a strong faculty, and first class research capacities. It has seven first-level discipline doctoral programs, eleven first-level discipline master’s programs, and six postdoctoral research centers. Its degree programs cover seven disciplines – medicine, science, technology, management, law, education, and literature. The university has three state-level key disciplines and one key discipline for state-level cultivation. It also has one academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering and one state key laboratory.
In the past eight decades, the university has cultivated a great number of medical and health care talents and made an enduring contribution to the health cause of humankind.
In the new century, the university aims to become one of the highest grade medical universities, with distinctive features and international fame; and it will strive to make even more outstanding contributions in medical education, research, service, and culture.
international fame; and it will strive to make even more outstanding contributions in medical education, research, service, and culture.

President, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing
Hongbing Shen
World Health Organization
Institute for International Medical Education
Foundation for advancement of International Medical Education and Research
Organization for PhD education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System
An International Association for Medical Education