At Glance
- Founded: Established in 1934.
- Faculty: The educational process is conducted by a huge tutorial cadre of 500 persons among whom you find nearly 50 professors, 150 associate professors, 70 Doctors and 180 candidates of sciences.
- Library: large number of books in English, Russian and other foreign Languages. There is also a unique electronic library with new computer equipment and internet connections.
- Faculties, Departments and Institutes:
- Hospitals: The main clinical base of the VSMU comprises of four Regional Clinical Hospitals as well as its own clinic and other city clinics. The total number of beds in the clinical base is about 10700.
- Recreational Facilities: University has a well-equipped Gymnasium and sporting facilities within walking distance from the hostel and university main building. Indoor badminton courts, football practicing facilities are some of the other facilities that university provides for students. Belarusian Universities provide great place for the students to relax and engage in outdoor sports and recreation activities during their free time.
- Hostels: Students are provided accommodation in university’s own hostels. A dwelling block in hostel usually consists of double occupancy rooms, an attached kitchen, a bathroom and a Toilet. Living conditions in hostels are of good standards with central heating, hot water systems, gas, electricity and water supply. Students can have meals in the canteen or café during educational sessions. They may also prepare their meals individually or collectively in their hostel itself.
- MESS: Indian mess available on campus.
Rector’s Details:
- Awards, premiums, science degrees, titles, qualification: Honorable Certificate of National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus (2010), Badge “Excellent Worker of Public Health” (2008), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Physician of Superior Merit.
- Participation in public societies, associations, clubs: a member of Trade Union of Healthcare Professionals since 1978.
- Main achievements, works, and publications: 170 published scientific works; 2 monographs and 21 articles in abroad publications among them.

Rector of the University
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor
SHCHASTNIY Anatoliy Tadeushevich